You all see once upon a time we lived in an area controlled by George Norcorss and his cronies called Norcrats (we still do) but we the people are starting to wake up . For to long these Norcrats have spent spent spent and when they didn't have money to spend spend spend the took out a bond and spent spent spent some more. This was the case in West Deptford home to State Senate President Steve Sweeny, one of the biggest Norcrats. The below shows a time line of what is occuring in West Deptford. Some of the content below is from
Now the story of formerly Norcrat run West Deptford, NJ:
It all started when a group of people questioned why there taxes were going up and the Township committee spent spent spent and bonded to spend spend spend there hard earned money. In the fall of 2010 the voters showed the door to John Cobb.
When the GOP picked up a seat in Norcrat West Deptford somthing had to be done so the Norcrats ran two new people for committee in 2011 Hunter Kintzing & Denice DiCarlo to replace longtime Committeeperson Len Daws and Norcrat Hugh Garrison. Daws didn't like this and ran as an Independent while good old Hugh stepped aside. As a reward the Norcrat contolled freeloader board appointed Hugh, a county employee to the County MUA, which is a paid posistion.
However the plan was not to be. The GOP picked up two more seats and this January Raymond Chintall became the Mayor of West Deptford. Before the Norcrats lost controll however, they made one final move in a show of arrogance and power. Longtime Mayor Anna Doccimo, a county employee decided to quit. Anna, collected two paychecks, cashed in on one health care buyback becuase she already had healthcare from her other job. Anna, had one year left on her term but resigned becuase of the heat she was facing. This year West Deptford has a 3.348 million dollar increase in debt payment services alone.
You have to wonder why Anna did not want to face the residents who had questions of why they had to pay more becuase under her regime as mayor the Township bonded bonded and bonded so they could spend spend spend...she would leave that to fellow Democrats Donna Szymborski and Denice DiCarlo. Yes the same Denice who lost the election was appointed by the Democrats even after being rejected by the voters of West Deptford.
Well since the transfer of power from the Norcrats happened certain people have not been happy, especially Donna and Denice. First they no longer have Solicitor Michael Angelini, the same person who was the subject of a 2009 State Comptrollers Report.
And most recenty Donna verbally attacked a resident at a meeting...the not so surprising thing is that it went unreported by the media.
"After spending much of her time at the May 3, 2012 Township Committee meeting wrestling with her microphone and looking disinterested, Committeewoman Donna Szymborski unleashed her frustrations on a West Deptford resident. The resident was asking Committeewoman Denice DiCarlo about her motives for questioning the advice of township professionals as well her penchant for introducing her own prepared presentations and analysis to the committee during meetings without allowing time for review.
DiCarlo engaged in conversation with the resident and explained her reasons for the questions. However, before she could finish the conversation, Committeewoman Szymborski ignored proper meeting protocol by not asking for the floor and launched into a tirade that rambled over multiple topics. During the harangue, Szymborski made it clear that she thought the WD resident was a part of the “Mayor’s party” and therefore had no right to ask questions. Mayor Ray Chintall banged his gavel and told Szymborski that she was out of order several times during the outburst; trying to bring the meeting back to order. At one point, Committeewoman Szymborski threatened to leave the meeting; a threat which elicited cheers and extended clapping from much of the audience.
This entire scene unfolded only a short time after Committeeman Sam Cianfarini and Township professionals reported the receipt of $1.5 Million in PILOT and tax payments for Rivercove as well as a $392,000 per year savings on township insurance. Unfortunately for residents, this diatribe is the most information that Committeewoman Szymborski has offered in a township meeting since the new leadership of West Deptford took control in January."
The below video gets insteresting around the 5:55 mintute mark.
Well, you may ask why a story about a town in Gloucester County is on this site. It is quite simple really. You see West Deptford is only minutes away from Camden County and is well within the boundaries of the Norcross regimes center. It is the home of Norcrat Steve. If change can come to West Deptford it can come in your town. It is time we all come together to help each other and take our towns back from Pine Hill to Gloucester City and from Gloucester Twp. to West Deptford and all the towns in between.