Gloucester City & Camden County The Truth received the below documents from open government activist John Schmidt regarding the Pennsuaken Housing Authority. Our question is will DCA or HUD step in??? Schmidt is also a Housing Authority Commissioner in Clementon. Earlier this year Schmidt sent a letter to Mayor John Kneib (D), regarding officials who were illegally serving in various positions. As a result Housing Authority Commissioner Elwood Martz and Oren Lutz are no longer on the housing Authority.
Below is the responses to the OPRA requests and a letter Schmidt sent to Kneib.
Hon. John Kneib, Mayor
Pennsauken Township
5605 North Crescent Boulevard
Pennsauken, NJ 08110 (Via E-Mail Only)
Dear Mayor Kneib,
I am writing this letter concerning the Pennsauken Housing
Authority. I am hoping that by writing this letter I can work with
you to address my concerns to ensure the Housing Authority is
in compliance with all relevant laws under NJSA 40A:12A. Instead
of writing a full letter I have decided to use notes on each
Concern 1:
-As part of a recent OPRA request, I obtained copies of the Roster of
commissioners which is sent to DCA each year. My concern is that all
members on the board are currently appointed by the Governing Body
of Pennsauken. Under NJSA 40A:12A-17, a housing authority is
comprised of seven members. One is appointed by the state, one by
the mayor and five by the Governing Body. Currently, six commissioners
have been appointed by the Township Committee which is not proper.
The Township Committee only makes five appointments and the Mayor makes one.
Concern 2:
-Under NJSA 40A:12A-18, a Housing Authority Commissioner “shall”
appoint an executive director. The requirements an executive
director must have are laid out in 40A:12A-18 and 40A:12A-18.1.
Currently the Authority does not have an executive director
as is required.
-First, allow me to say that I understand the Pennsauken Housing
Authority only deals with Section 8 and is not a PHA but regardless
is still a Housing Authority and governed by applicable state and
federal laws. Under law, each Housing Authority Commissioner must
complete a series of required and elective courses. Housing Authority
commissioners must complete four required courses and one elective
course within 18 months of taking office. If a commissioner fails to
complete the training requirement they are ineligible to serve. The
courses are run through Rutgers University.[1] Commissioner Ellis
was first appointed on January 1, 2011. Commissioner Cuzzupe was
appointed on January 4, 2010 and Commissioner Pilla was appointed
on January 4, 2009. From the response to my OPRA request and after
speaking to the Housing Authority’s Manager it appears that neither
three commissioners took any classes and therefore are no longer on
the Housing Authority as a matter of law. As a result of this the Housing
Authority lacks four members as needed for a quorum under state law.
I would hope that the Township would address this issue. If you
have any questions please feel free to call me at (redacted phone #).
John P. Schmidt